Saturday, April 27, 2013

Wiki update

A Wiki can be very informative and also quite simplistic, concise and to the point. I checked out these two sites on special interest groups in libraries to 'see' whats happening at other libraries. Its amazing though distance separate us, we share the same concerns and similar challenges.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Digital divide

 The Digital divide is so great in our country. We have an ample amount of 'have nots' in our communities. While to some communities ipads and tablets in the classroom is the norm, in most other communities it is unheard of. Something some children only see in catalogues. It would be great if all children could be exposed to different technology developments at a young age, that by the time they are grey haired, they do not search for the 'any' button on the keyboard.
This link to this article is really inspiring

Blogging in the 21st-Century Classroom | Edutopia


How to cite Social Media

I always seem to experience problems with correctly citing a document.

A Great Guide on How to Cite Social Media Using Both MLA and APA styles ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Next activity: creating a Wiki

6 Steps to creating a WIKI
Create a Free Wiki with Wikia

Wikia is a community destination supporting the creation and development of wiki communities (or wiki farm) on any topic people are passionate about. Creating your very own wiki is a fun and free, yet challenging an example of a music wiki site

Friday, April 5, 2013

Powerpoint presentations

5 minutes is such a short time to condense an essay into a powerpoint presentation, but prioritising and just mentioning the essence, powerpoint presentations are powerful. From the Wednesday evening class, i've learnt such a lot from the different presentations and the different perspectives and focus points.