Monday, May 6, 2013

Due Date..............8 May 2013

...and now my friend, the end is have soooooooo much I still want to say, to add, to learn. What did I learn. The short answer is...A LOT...
I believe in continuous education. I believe in life-long learning. I believe one is never too old to learn - you can teach an old dog new tricks.
I started this course with great trepidation. I'm glad for the fire cracker, because it gave me a wake-up call. As a public librarian one becomes so comfortable and complacent. You are exposed to a number of things each day, but sticking your neck out further than necessary is a BIG risk
I would like to encourage public librarians to take up the challenge to familiarise themselves with social media and the benefits it offers for promoting their libraries.

It might be the end of PGDipl.LIS: ICT Applications for now, but it is just the beginning  of continuing with blogging, tweeting and whatever present itself in the near future.
My favourite part of the course was the assignment on mobile technologies and the accompanying powerpoint presentations   

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